Kelebihan Dan Resiko Setelah Melakukan Rooting Android

Kelebihan Dan Resiko Setelah Melakukan Rooting Android

Bicara mengenai rooting android memang ada kelebihan serta resikonya. Tidak jarang orang belum berani melakukan root di perangkat Android miliknya. Entah itu karena faktor tidak tahu cara melakukannya atau bahkan takut karena jika salah langkah dalam mengikuti panduannya bisa menimbulkan kerusakan.

Yang unik menurut saya meskipun sudah melakukan rooting masih banyak yang bingung harus

Alasan Penyebab Kenapa PI dan PIP Adsense Terlambat

Alasan Penyebab Kenapa PI dan PIP Adsense Terlambat - Setiap bulan pada tanggal 22 adalah hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh para publisher iklan Google Adsense. Setelah bekerja keras selama 1 bulan menambah artikel blog atau video pada channel youtube untuk meningkatkan jumlah visitor, maka tanggal itu adalah hari yang sangat istimewa dan penuh harapan mendapatkan earning yang lebih besar daripada payment Adsense bulan sebelumnya. Tapi apa jadinya jika sampai beberapa hari setelah tanggal itu belum juga menerima pemberitahuan atau notifikasi pembayaran dari Google Adsense. Pada bulan Mei 2015 ini terdapat beberapa publisher yang merasa khawatir tidak akan menerima payment karena belum ada tanda-tanda Payment Issued (PI) atau Payment In Progress (PIP). Banyak sekali publisher Adsense yang menduga-duga jika akun Adsense-nya mendapatkan penalti atau hukuman banned dari Team Google Adsense. Mereka merasa frustasi, takut, dan gelisah sebab belum pernah mengalami keterlambatan pembayaran seperti ini atau mungkin karena belum lama menjadi menjadi pusblisher Adsense. Kalau kamu mengalami keterlambatan pembayaran penghasilan Adsense jangan terburu-buru berpikiran negatif dulu, karena kamu akan mengetahui penyebabnya di sini. Selama ini menurut pengalaman saya dan beberapa rekan blogger lainnya, metode pembayaran Adsense tercepat adalah dengan menggunakan Western Union (WU).

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    Waktu yang diperlukan bagi kita untuk menerima konfirmasi penerimaan ini dari bank bervariasi berdasarkan lokasi pembayaran, jadi jangan khawatir jika update ini memakan waktu lebih lama untuk muncul pada account Adsense Anda seperti yang sering dilaporkan oleh orang lain pada forum. (Untuk beberapa lokasi, kami menerima ini dalam jam pengiriman instruksi pembayaran, sedangkan lokasi lain seperti Inggris memerlukan beberapa hari sebelum kami menerima respon ini dari bank kami.) Berikan hari tambahan setelah bank kami menerima pembayaran untuk itu untuk melintasi masing-masing sistem kliring negara dan tiba di rekening bank Anda.
  3. Earning Anda Sedang di-Review Ulang
    Semoga ini tidak terjadi pada kita, karena ini adalah masalah serius yang akan menentukan masa depan kita. Biasanya jika terjadi lonjakan peningkatan visitor dan CTR secara tiba-tiba, maka statistik visitor anda akan di-review kembali. Jika ada visitor yang tidak natural baik dari traffic exchange maupun jasa penjual visitor, maka payment akan di-hold dan bisa-bisa akun anda akan dibanned.
Semoga artikel ini bisa menjadi jawaban dari pertanyaan yang terlintas di pikiran kamu mengenai pembayaran Adsense yang terlambat. Informasi ini adalah sedikit tips dan trik lengkap mengenai Alasan Penyebab Kenapa PI dan PIP Adsense Terlambat. Semoga payment Adsense anda dapat segera dicairkan di Western Union atau langsung diterima pada rekening Bank dengan cepat dan mudah. Untuk mendapatkan kabar terbaru lainnya yang berhubungan dengan update Adsense tetap kunjungi

10 Lagu Barat Dengan Chord Gitar Termudah "Part 2"

Hai bro, kali ini gua bakal ngelanjutin dan rangkum chord gitar yang mudah dan ribetnya gk terlalu banget. Gua sengaja ambil beberapa lagu yang akhir-akhir ini lagi nge-hits ditelinga kita. Dan emang iya sih, gk semua chord yang gua tampilkan dibawah ini adalh chord yang mudah. Tapi semoga dapat menjadi referensi kalian semua, Pemain Gitar Rumahan :D . Selamat Membaca  !

1. Rather Be - Clean Bandit

Em        D     C                   C G      
We're a thousand miles from comfort,
Em        D     C                   C G
we have travelled land and sea
Em        D     C                   C G
But as long as you are with me,
Am                     Am (slid to 3rd fret)
 there's no place I rather be

Em        D     C                   C G
I would wait forever,
Em        D     C                   C G
 exulted in the scene
Em        D     C                   C G
As long as I am with you,
Am                     Am (slid to 3rd fret)
 my heart continues to beat


Em                                           D        
With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
G                               Am
Strolling so casually
Em                                               D
We're different and the same, gave you another name
G                              Am
Switch up the batteries


Em                  D                     C                              C G
If you gave me a chance I would take it
Em                  D                     C                              C G
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Em                  D                     C                              C G
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me
Em              D       C                               Am
When I am with you, there's no place I rather be

Em       D        C                 C G
N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I rather be [3x]

~ VERSE 2 ~ ( Chords same as first verse)

We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace
Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete
It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity
As long as we're together, there's no place I rather be

2. To Love Somebody – Michael Buble

Image result for michael buble


There s a light
A certain kind of light
D                   A
That never shone on me
G                 A             E
I want my life to be lived with you
Lived with you

          A    Bm
There s a way, everybody say
D                           A
To do each and every little thing
G                A
But what does it bring?
           E             D
If I ain t got you, aint got ?

A                       E
You don t know what its like, baby
D                       A
You don t know what its like
To love somebody
To love somebody
          A        E
The way I love you

In my brain,
I see your face again
D                  A
I know my frame of mind
G                      A
You ain t got to be so blind
        E              D
And I m blind, so very blind
      A    Bm
I m a man, can t you see

What I am?
D                      A
I live and breathe for you
G                     A
But what good does it do
           E             D
If I ain t got you, aint got?

A                       E
You don t know what its like, baby
D                       A
You don t know what its like
To love somebody
To love somebody
The way I love you  2x

* Alternate:

Capo II

A  = G
Bm = Am
D  = C
G  = F
E  = D

3. Payphone - Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa

Image result for maroon 5

Standard Tuning: Capo 4

         C                  G
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
          Em                D
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone
          G                        Em                D
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me
You say it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
D                           C
All of our bridges burned down

C              G
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
                    C                      G
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
             Em          D
But even the sun sets in paradise

         C                  G
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
          Em                D
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone
              G                    Em                D  
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

              C         G
If happy ever after did exist
                 Em               D
I would still be holding you like this
          C                      G
All those fairytales are full of sh*t
                Em                D
One more stupid love song I'll be sick

You turned your back on tomorrow
Cause you forgot yesterday
I gave you my love to borrow
But just gave it away
You can't expect me to be fine
I don't expect you to care
I know I've said it before, but
D                         C
All of our bridges burned down

C              G
I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
                      C                      G
Still stucked in that time when we called it love
             Em              D
But even the sun sets in paradise

         C                       G
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
          Em                D
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone
          G                        Em                D
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

              C         G
If happy ever after did exist
                 Em               D
I would still be holding you like this
          C                      G
All those fairytales are full of sh*t
                Em                D
One more stupid love song I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone...
[Wiz Khalifa]
                     Man work that sh*t
I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round
Wondering why it wasn't you who came up from nothing
Made it from the bottom
Now when you see me I'm stunning
And all of my cars start with the push up a button
Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it
Switched the number to my phone
So you never could call it
Don't need my name on my show
You can tell it I'm ballin'
Swish, what a shame could have got picked
G                                                 Em
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot
So you talk about who you see at the top
Or what you could've saw
But sad to say it's over for
Phantom pulled up valet open doors
Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for
Now ask me who they want
So you can go and take that little piece of sh*t with you

         C                  G
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
          Em                D
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone
          G                        Em                D
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

              C          G
If happy ever after did exist
                 Em               D
I would still be holding you like this
          C                      G
All those fairytales are full of sh*t
         Em                       D
One more stupid love song I'll be sick
Now I'm at a payphone...

4. Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars

Image result for bruno mars

#intro : C

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
Am             G
I want you back
I want you back

My neighbors think I'm crazy
But they don't understand
Am               G
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
Dm            G
I sit by myself

#chorus :
               F G Am
Talking to the Moon
              F G Am
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
C      Bm     Am  G
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
                  Am  G  F
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like
I'm famous The talk of the town
         Am         G
They say I've gone mad
Yeah I've gone mad
But they don't know what I know
Cause when the sun goes down
          Am         G
someone's talking back
Yeah They're talking back

At night when the stars
light up my room
Dm            G
I sit by myself

#back to chorus

(Dm G)
Do you ever hear me calling
Ho hou ho ho hou
'Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon

#back to chorus

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

5. Jar Of Hearts - Christina Perri

Image result for christina perri

Am                                         C
I know I can't take one more step towards you
G                                         Dm
'Cause all thats waiting is regret
Am                                                C
And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
G                                           F
You lost the love I loved the most
Dm                     C      G
I learned to live half a life
Dm                 C                      G
And now you want me one more time

#Chorus :
C                                  G
Who do you think you are?
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting a jar of hearts
 Fm                 C
Tearing love apart
C                                 G
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Fm                               C
Who do you think you are?

Am                                 C
I hear you're asking all around
G                                  Dm
If I am anywhere to be found
Am                              C
But I have grown too strong
G                                     F
To ever fall back in your arms
Dm                         C      G
I've learned to live half a life
Dm                    C                   G
And now you want me one more time

#Chorus :
C                               G
Who do you think you are?
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting a jar of hearts
     Fm                   C
And tearing love apart
C                               G
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Fm                              C
Who do you think you are?

#Bridge :
Am             E             C       D
It took so long just to feel alright
  Am                      E                    C           D
Remember how to put back the light in my eyes
    Am              E                   C                D
I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed
             Am            E      C       D
'Cause you broke all your promises
And now you're back
You don't get to get me back

#Chorus :
C                                G
Who do you think you are?
Running 'round leaving scars
Collecting a jar of hearts
     Fm                   C
And tearing love apart
C                               G
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Fm                         C
Don't come back at all

Am                              C
Who do you think you are?
Am                               C
Who do you think you are?
Am                               C
Who do you think you are?

6. So Sick - Ne Yo

Image result for ne yo

Em C G D
      Em     C        G
Do do do do do do do-do
D            Em C G D
    Ohh Yeah

C        G
Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
           Em              C     G
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
    Em              C         G
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore

Em             C
(it's ridiculous)

It's been months
And for some reason I just
 Em             C  
(can't get over us)
G                     D
And I'm stronger then this
 Em             C
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
Em           C
I'm so over being blue
G          D
Cryin over you
    Em             C
And I'm so sick of love songs
G           D
So tired of tears
Em           C       G              D
So done with wishing you were still here
     Em             C              G          D
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?

7. Sugar - Maroon 5

Image result for maroon 5

#intro: C - Am - Dm - C (2x)

C                           Am              
I'm hurting baby, I'm broken down
Dm                               C  
I need your loving, loving
I need it now
When I'm without you
I'm something weak
Dm                               C
You got me begging, begging
I'm on my knee

I don't wanna be needing your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
Dm                                                 C
And it's killing me when you're away
Ooh baby, cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
Dm                                      C
And I gotta get one little taste

Yes please
                     Dm                                   C
Won't you come and put it down on me
                  F                  Am
I'm right here, cause I need
            Dm                              C
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah you show me good loving
Make it alright
  Dm                                   C
Need a little a sweetness in my life
Yes please
                    Dm                                    C
Won't you come and put it down on me

My broken pieces
You pick them up
Dm                                         C
Don't leave me hanging, hanging
Come get me some
When I'm without ya
So insecure
Dm                                   C
You are the one thing, one thing
I'm living for

I don't wanna be needing your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
Dm                                              C
And it's killing me when you're away
Ooh baby, cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
Em                                        C
And I gotta get one little taste

Yes please
                     Dm                                   C
Won't you come and put it down on me
                  F                  Am
I'm right here, cause I need
            Dm                              C
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah you show me good loving
Make it alright
  Dm                                   C
Need a little a sweetness in my life
Yes please
                    Dm                                    C
Won't you come and put it down on me

I want that red velvet
I want that sugar sweet
Don't let nobody touch it
Unless that somebody is me
I gotta be a man
There ain't no other way
Dm                                              C
Cause girl you're hotter than a Southern California bae
I don't wanna play no games
I don't gotta be afraid
Don't give all that shy shit
No make up on
That's my

Yes please
                     Dm                                   C
Won't you come and put it down on me
                  F                  Am
I'm right here, cause I need
            Dm                              C
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah you show me good loving
Make it alright
  Dm                                   C
Need a little a sweetness in my life
Yes please
                    Dm                                    C
Won't you come and put it down on me

Yes please
                       Dm                                   C
Won't you come and put it down on me
                   F              Am
I'm right here, cause I need
             Dm                             C
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah you show me good loving
Make it alright
  Dm                                   C
Need a little a sweetness in my life
Yes please
                    Dm                                    C
Won't you come and put it down on me

#outro: C - Am - Dm - C

8. Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift Feat Ed Sheeran

Image result for taylor swift

#Intro : C

C             Am                                   F
All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now
I didn't before
                       Am                           F
And all I've seen since 18 hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile in
              G                                            C
The back of my mind making me feel right

C                                                     Dm
I just want to know you better know, you better know you, better now
F                                                     Am                 G                     C
I just want to know you better know, you better know, you better now
C                                                    Dm
I just want to know you better know, you better know, you better now
F                                      Am                 G
I just want to know you, know you, know you

#Chorus :
Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
      G                                  F
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
       G                                 F
All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed

#Intro : C

C                      Am                                F
And all my walls stood tall, painted blue
But I'll take them down, take them down
And open up the door for you
C                Am                                      F
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time
G                                                C
Taking flight, making me feel right

C                                                     Dm
I just want to know you better know, you better know you, better now
F                                                     Am                 G                     C
I just want to know you better know, you better know, you better now
C                                                    Dm
I just want to know you better know, you better know, you better now
F                                      Am                 G
I just want to know you, know you, know you

#Chorus :
Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
      G                                  F
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
       G                                 F
All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed

#Bridge :
Am                                      F
Come back and tell me why
                                     C                       G
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time
         Am                                   F
Ahhh And meet me there tonight
                                     C                         G
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

C                                                    Dm
I just want to know you better know, you better know, you better now
F                                      Am                 G
I just want to know you, know you, know you

#Chorus :
Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
      G                                  F
All I know is a simple name, everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
       G                                 F
All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed

All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain
And everything has changed
All I know is a new found brightness
All my days, I'll know your face
G                                        F
All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed

9. Always Be My Baby - David Cook

Image result for david cook

We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
Am                    D
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I’ll letting you fly
 ‘Cause I know in my heart
Am                  D
Our love will never die, no

#chorus :
You’ll always be a part of me
I’m part of you indefinitely
Girl don’t you know you can’t escape me
C                    D               G
Ooh darling ‘cause you’ll always be my baby
And we’ll linger on
Time can’t erase a feeling this strong
No way you’re ever gonna shake me
C                               D
Oh darling, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby

I ain't gonna cry now
And I won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave girl
Am                        D
I will not stand in your way
G                     Em
But inevitably, you'll be back again
'Cause you know in your heart babe
Am                D
Our love will never end

#chorus :
You’ll always be a part of me
I’m part of you indefinitely
Girl don’t you know you can’t escape me
C                    D               G
Ooh darling ‘cause you’ll always be my baby
And we’ll linger on
Time can’t erase a feeling this strong
No way you’re ever gonna shake me
C                               D
Oh darling, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby

Em          A
I know that you’ll be back girl
 C                                               Bm
when your days and your nights get a little bit colder oh.
Em           A
I know that,you’ll be right back,
     C                                     D
oh, baby believe me it’s only a matter of time.

#chorus :
You’ll always be a part of me
I’m part of you indefinitely
Girl don’t you know you can’t escape me
C                    D               G
Ooh darling ‘cause you’ll always be my baby
And we’ll linger on
Time can’t erase a feeling this strong
No way you’re ever gonna shake me
C                               D
Oh darling, ‘cause you’ll always be my baby

10. I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing - Aerosmith

Image result for aerosmith

I could stay awake
D                    Em
just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile
while you are sleeping
                   Am         D
Well you're far away dreaming
I could spend my life
D                   Em
in this sweet surrender
And just stay here lost
           Bm        Am     D
in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent
with you
Is a moment I treasure

#chorus :

G                    D               Em
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
G                              D             Em
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

#intro : G D Em

Lying close to you
D                          Em
Feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering
what you're dreaming
                  Am                    D
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
       D                          Em
and thank God we're together
                           Bm           C
And I just wanna stay with you
in this moment forever
forever and ever

#back to chorus

#bridge :
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time  

#back to chorus


Gimana? susah-susah gampang kn? . Sip. Terimakasih pantau terus postingan berikutnya :D .